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Electronic modules for brakes

The product range of Kendrion contains a variety of electronic components for the control of electromagnetic actuators such as brakes and clutches. A variety of the properties of actuators can be considerably improved using control modules. Reaction times are significantly optimised by overexcitation functions and fast shutdown.

Lowering of the holding voltage improves the thermal behaviour of the actuator and saves energy. There are suitable electronic modules available for different classes of actuators. Depending on the mounting conditions, there are a variety of connection concepts.

Kendrion as a result provides the optimum complementary control electronics for electromagnetic brakes and clutches for all applications.

Products (46)
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Rectifier type
Input voltage range (V)
Max. current (A)
Quick shut down
Overexcitation time (s)
Temperature range
Connector type
Output voltage (V)
Overexcitation Rectifier - Slim Collection
32 77101B53 Overexcitation Rectifier 100 bis 240 2, 0/1, 0 yes 0, 25 -20…80°C Spring Clamp UL (ab Q2/2022) Uin x 0, 89 / 0, 45
Overexcitation Rectifier - Slim Collection
32 17101B53 Overexcitation Rectifier 100 bis 240 2, 0/1, 0 no 0, 25 -20…80°C Spring Clamp UL (ab Q2/2022) Uin x 0, 89 / 0, 45
Overexcitation Rectifier - Slim Collection
32 77101B50 Overexcitation Rectifier 220 bis 500 2, 0/1, 0 yes 0, 25 -20…80°C Spring Clamp UL (ab Q2/2022) Uin x 0, 89 / 0, 45
Overexcitation Rectifier - Slim Collection
32 17101B50 Overexcitation Rectifier 220 bis 500 2, 0/1, 0 no 0, 25 -20…80°C Spring Clamp UL (ab Q2/2022) Uin x 0, 89 / 0, 45
Bridge Rectifier - Slim Collection
32 07103B53 Bridge Rectifier 0 bis 240 0, 8 no - -20…80°C Spring Clamp UL (ab Q2/2022) Uin x 0, 89
Bridge Rectifier - Slim Collection
32 67103B53 Bridge Rectifier 100 bis 240 0, 8 yes - -20…80°C Spring Clamp UL (ab Q2/2022) Uin x 0, 89
Bridge Rectifier - Slim Collection
32 07103B50 Bridge Rectifier 0 bis 500 0, 7 no - -20…80°C Spring Clamp UL (ab Q2/2022) Uin x 0, 89
Bridge Rectifier - Slim Collection
32 67103B50 Bridge Rectifier 220 bis 500 0, 7 yes - -20…80°C Spring Clamp UL (ab Q2/2022) Uin x 0, 89
Half-Wave Rectifier - Slim Collection
32 07102B53 Half-Wave-Rectifier 0 bis 240 0, 5 no - -20…80°C Spring Clamp UL (ab Q2/2022) Uin x 0, 45
Half-Wave Rectifier - Slim Collection
32 07102B50 Half-Wave-Rectifier 0 bis 500 0, 5 yes - -20…80°C Spring Clamp UL (ab Q2/2022) Uin x 0, 45
PWM-Module - Slim Collection
34 10125C01 PWM Module 24 bis 48 4, 0/2, 0 no 0, 2 -20…80°C Spring Clamp UL (ab Q2/2022) 16, 8 VDC
PWM-Module - Slim Collection
34 70125C01 PWM Module 24 bis 48 4, 0/2, 0 yes 0, 2 -20…80°C Spring Clamp UL (ab Q2/2022) 16, 8 VDC
PWM-Module - Slim Collection
34 10125C02 PWM Module 24 bis 48 4, 0/2, 0 no 0, 2 -20…80°C Spring Clamp UL (ab Q2/2022) 12 VDC
PWM-Module - Slim Collection
34 70125C02 PWM Module 24 bis 48 4, 0/2, 0 yes 0, 2 -20…80°C Spring Clamp UL (ab Q2/2022) 12 VDC
Overexcitation Rectifier - Universal Collection
32 17320B00 Overexcitation Rectifier 220 bis 500 2, 0/1, 0 yes over external contact 0, 25 -20…80°C Screw Terminal - Uin x 0, 89 / 0, 45
Overexcitation Rectifier - Universal Collection
32 17320B03 Overexcitation Rectifier 110 bis 240 3, 0/1, 5 yes over external contact 0, 25 -20…80°C Screw Terminal - Uin x 0, 89 / 0, 45
Overexcitation Rectifier - Universal Collection
32 17320B13 Overexcitation Rectifier 110 bis 240 3, 0/1, 5 yes over external contact 0, 5 -20…80°C Screw Terminal - Uin x 0, 89 / 0, 45
Overexcitation Rectifier - Universal Collection
32 17320B23 Overexcitation Rectifier 110 bis 240 3, 0/1, 5 yes over external contact 1, 1 -20…80°C Screw Terminal - Uin x 0, 89 / 0, 45
Overexcitation Rectifier - Universal Collection
32 17321B00 Overexcitation Rectifier 220 bis 500 2, 0/1, 0 yes over external contact 0, 25 -20…80°C Screw Terminal + Brainds - Uin x 0, 89 / 0, 45
Overexcitation Rectifier - Universal Collection
32 17321B00 Overexcitation Rectifier 220 bis 500 3, 0/1, 5 yes over external contact 0, 25 -20…80°C Screw Terminal + Brainds - Uin x 0, 89 / 0, 45
Half-Wave Rectifier - Universal Collection
32 07322B40 Half-Wave-Rectifier 0 bis 500 2 yes over external contact - -20…80°C Screw Terminal - Uin x 0, 45